Monday, November 9, 2009

Magical Memories From Disney

I must have a thousand and one magical memories from Walt Disney World, but this is one of the most recent. When it happened, I wouldn't at first have called it magical, but in retrospect it is definitely one of the moments we will remember.

We were burning hot in the middle of August (who'd have thought) at the Animal Kingdom, the park that always seems the hottest to me. A ride on Kali River Rapids is an easy way to cool off, and our fast pass time was upon us. We must have ridden on Kali River Rapids 50 times in the past, but for some reason this ride was the absolute wettest and most drenching one we'd ever experienced. Literally, I looked like I'd gone swimming in the river instead of just being splashed. Well, it did cool us off, but then Mother Nature decided to cool of the rest of the park with one of Orlando's notorious rain showers right after we disembarked our raft. I've never been so cold at Disney World in my entire life, and here it was late summer!

After getting so drenched, we decided to head back to the hotel to dry off and take a breather before we went out again that evening. When the bus arrived to ferry us to our hotel, I took a seat in the very back. I don't know if the seat was magically heated just for me that day, or if it was the heat rising from the street or the engine that made it so warm in the back of the bus. But it was bliss, pure magic!

Like I said, at the time it wasn't a moment I thought I'd look back and relish, but now it's the memory of our last trip to Disney that we laugh about the most. Magic can be found in the most unusual places at Disney World!

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