Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Welcome to my first ever post!

Home today with a sick (but not too terribly) daughter and a bit of the bug myself, I sat in front of the computer wasting away much of the day while she slept. Distracted, yes, from chores that I should probably be doing.

The sun has finally come out, but it hasn't brightened my spirits yet. I just took her temperature: 100.9. I guess no school again tomorrow unless a dramatic recovery!

I've started this for several reasons, and I hope to continue it regularly. I am not sure if anyone will read this -- unless I drag them off the sofa and plop them down in front of the computer and say, "Here! Read this!" I have a lot of different interests, and I want to focus on them. Depending upon what is happening in my life at the time. I don't want it to focus on my family, necessarily, but of course, they will be a part of it.

It will be eclectic and varied. I get bored easily, so I have to keep moving in different directions. Right now the direction I need to get moving in is to take care of sickie-poo, so excuse me and ...

thanks for reading!

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