Friday, October 16, 2009

Seconds and a Sequel

Dacre Stoker, the great-grandnephew of Bram Stoker has written a sequel to Dracula 112 years after the original. He was helped in his writing by Ian Holt, a New York screenwriter. Does this mean there will be a movie?

I adore vampire stories (usually) and Dracula is certainly no exception. However, I have to wonder how Dracula: The Un-Dead will fare. Dracula is a classic, and 99 percent of the time sequels suck (no pun intended). I will have to visit Barnes and Noble this weekend and pick up a copy for myself. I go in a skeptic -- but I shall give it a fair shot.

Speaking of vamps, Anne Rice's newest is scheduled out on October 27. This is another book I plan to add to my library. I was a big Anne Rice fan back in the day but she fell from favor in the 90s and I haven't been bothered to read anything by her in several years. I think her earlier work rocks: The Vampire LeStat, The Witching Hour, Ramses the Damned are very, very good books, and I'm happy to report my daughter is reading Interview with a Vampire right now, and loving it!

But Anne's gone in a new direction since she found God, and I'm gong to give her another chance with Angel Time: The Songs of the Seraphim. It's been called a religious romance, which doesn't really interest me, but it has time-travel to 13th century England which does interest me -- a lot. So I'll give it a read.

The third book coming out is Stephen King's Under the Dome. It's out November 10. It will try to be a fair and partial judge on this one, folks, but I warn you that I am probably not a fair critic on Mr. King's work. he's my fave, and I'm darn loyal.

So there you have it. I'll post back later and let you know my opinions of these works. I know you can't wait, lol.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Welcome to my first ever post!

Home today with a sick (but not too terribly) daughter and a bit of the bug myself, I sat in front of the computer wasting away much of the day while she slept. Distracted, yes, from chores that I should probably be doing.

The sun has finally come out, but it hasn't brightened my spirits yet. I just took her temperature: 100.9. I guess no school again tomorrow unless a dramatic recovery!

I've started this for several reasons, and I hope to continue it regularly. I am not sure if anyone will read this -- unless I drag them off the sofa and plop them down in front of the computer and say, "Here! Read this!" I have a lot of different interests, and I want to focus on them. Depending upon what is happening in my life at the time. I don't want it to focus on my family, necessarily, but of course, they will be a part of it.

It will be eclectic and varied. I get bored easily, so I have to keep moving in different directions. Right now the direction I need to get moving in is to take care of sickie-poo, so excuse me and ...

thanks for reading!